Water Conservation
Irrigation & Fertigation

The period between 2011 and 2014 was the driest in California’s recorded history, water is too precious a resource to waste. As much as 80% of a typical residential water bill goes towards irrigation. Substantial savings can be had by adopting smarter irrigation habits. Outdated high-pressure irrigation sprinklers can overspray, letting water evaporate into the atmosphere or run off onto the pavement (carrying fertilizers or pesticides with it).

High-pressure sprinklers, especially in a windy climate like ours, will never be the most efficient means of irrigation, as water droplets can be carried off by the wind.

The irrigation systems in place at Living Green Gardens demonstrate that it’s possible to irrigate effectively without wasting a drop. Drip irrigation delivers water directly to the plants’ roots, where it’s distributed evenly throughout the soil. Underground or subsurface drip systems have proven to be the most effective, low-maintenance means of irrigation available.

Water is too precious a
resource to Waste.

Outdated high-pressure irrigation sprinklers overspray, causing water evaporation or run off.

Drip irrigation delivers water directly to the plants’ roots, where it’s distributed evenly throughout the soil.

Why change your method of irrigation?

It’s no secret that California is facing one of the worst droughts in recent history. The state has mandated a 25% water reduction which Contra Costa Water District has responsed to with outdoor watering limits reduced to twice per week in the district’s service areas with fines imposed for first and second violations and a possible water service shut off for further violations.

Subsurface Dripline Irrigation

Living Green Gardens uses Rainbird’s subsurface drip irrigation which allows for less water to be used and irrigates from the root system up to the surface through a process called wicking. Sub-surface drip is 90% irrigation-efficiency, 30% - 70% water savings versus overhead irrigation. The Pressure-compensataing emitter (qualifies for LEED points) provides consistent flow over the entire lateral length ensuring reliable uniformity over pressure range of 8.5 to 60 psi. Watering beneath the surface reduces runoff and overspray and has been viewed as the most efficient way to irrigate a landscape.

Pressure-Regulated Filters

Within a Drip system components are held together with basic fittings – not glued together. Using a Pressure Regulator allows for those fittings to remain uncompromised. The filter allows for regular maintenance to minimize debris buildup in the drip system and can be cleaned out as needed.

Get Paid to Remove Your Lawn!

The Contra Costa Water District’s Lawn to Garden Rebate Program will give you $1 per square foot of lawn replaced with water-wise landscaping. What’s not to like about getting paid to replace a boring lawn with a vibrant garden?


Program is not retroactive. Please call before you begin.

Watch a Video of Rainbird’s Subsurface Dripline Installation.

What is Fertigation?

Unlike granular fertilizer, which is highly toxic and wasteful, the fertigation system installed in Living Green Gardens delivers a solution of water and soluble fertilizer that is safe, efficient in both water and fertilizer use, and easier on the environment. When fertilizer is dissolved in irrigation water, plants require an average of 20% less water and 80% less fertilizer.

Fertilize Responsibly

Every time you use your irrigation system, EZ FLO™ releases small, precise doses of fertilizer into the water stream automatically.

The process delivers a solution of water and soluble fertilizer to the root zone of the plant, allowing for better ab- sorption. This environmentally-friendly method saves water and eliminates the need for dangerous herbicides, pesticides and fungicides, while preventing fertilizer runoff into storm drains.

There are many good organic fertilizers to add to your fertigation tank. There are even some repellants for gophers and moles that can be added. Visit EZ-Flo for information on a variety of fertilizers.

The price of water is rising throughout California. Find out how to reduce your water consumption and save money.

Native Garden vs. Traditional Garden

In March 2004 the City of Santa Monica embarked on a project to gather data and persuade homeowners and landscape professionals that sustainable landscaping using drought-resistant plants and efficient water use was not only better for the environment and more economical, but could create a garden just as beautiful as one with traditional landscaping and exotic plants.

Two gardens were created in adjacent residential front yards. The project was named Garden/Garden and data was collected over a 9-year period. On average the sustainable Native Garden uses 83% less water, generates 56% less green waste and requires 68% less maintenance than the Traditional Garden.

Download the Garden/Garden brochure or visit the City of Santa Monica Office of Sustainability and the Environment for more information.

Living Green Gardens is located in the City of Pittbsurg, California
Copyright 2015 City of Pittsburg
Site designed by Precision Design
Contact Information:
65 Civic Avenue, Pittsburg, CA 94565