Western redbud Cercis occidentalis
An extremely drought tolerant California native, Western redbud bears brilliant pink flowers directly on its branches. It is winter-deciduous, blooming in early spring before leafing out.
Bank catclaw Acacia redolens `Lowboy`
A. redolensis as bulletproof as it gets. For areas that stay above 20˚F in winter, this spreading low shrub from Australia offers attractive olive-like foliage and yellow flowers in winter.
Height: 10-18' Width: 10-18' Water Use: very low Pruning: Prune out dead wood, unruly branches. Placement: Full sun to part shade. Bloom season: Early spring
Lilac beauty yarrow Achillea millefolium `Lilac Beauty`
This easy to grow perennial is a California native, but it fits well in any type of garden from cottage to xeric. An annual cut-back to roughly eight inches is all the care this plant requires. Yarrow 'Lilac Beauty' grows to two feet in height and width and bears purple heads of flowers from spring to fall.
Height: 1` Width: 10-15` Water Use: very low Pruning: Prune out dead wood, unruly branches. Placement: Hot, dry sun. Bloom season: Winter.
Sonoma white yarrow Achillea millefolium `Sonoma Coast`
This easy to grow perennial is a California native, but it fits well in any type of garden from cottage to xeric. An annual cut-back to roughly eight inches is all the care this plant requires. Yarrow 'Sonoma Coast' grows compactly to two feet in height and width and bears white heads of flowers from spring to fall.
Height: 1-2.5` Width: 2-4` Water Use: low Pruning: Cut to 6" in winter. Placement: Full sun. Bloom season: Spring to fall.
Moonshine yarrow Achillea x `Moonshine`
This easy to grow perennial is a California native, but it fits well in any type of garden from cottage to xeric. An annual cut-back to roughly eight inches is all the care this plant requires. Yarrow 'Moonshine' grows to two feet in height and width and bears yellow heads of flowers from spring to fall
Height: 1-2.5` Width: 2-4` Water Use: low Pruning: Cut to 6" in winter. Placement: Full sun. Bloom season: Spring to fall.
Tree aeonium Aeonium arboreum `Atropurpureum`
Tree aeonium hails from the Canary Islands, where it grows on rocky hillsides with virtually no dry season rainfall. While rosettes may curl in summer drought, they will reopen with the first rain. Flowers in winter; frost tender.
Height: 2` Width: 2` Water Use: low Pruning: Cut to 6" in winter. Placement: Full sun. Bloom season: Midsummer to fall.
Giant red aeonium Aeonium x `Cyclops`
Aeonium 'Cyclops' is a giant version of A. arboreum. Huge red rosettes offer good color in a xeric landscape.
Height: 2` Width: 2` Water Use: low Pruning: Cut to 6" in winter. Placement: Full sun. Bloom season: Spring to fall.
Century plant Agave angustifolia marginata
The century plant is monocarpic; that is, it grows for many year, flowers, and then dies. Don't worry - suckers produced by the mother plant quickly fill the gap. Great for desert landscapes; hardy to near 15˚F. Use caution when pruning as sap can produce a nasty burn.
Height: 3` Width: 3` Water Use: low Pruning: None Placement: Sun on coast to part shade inland. Bloom season: Grown for foliage.
Queen Victoria agave Agave victoriae-reginae
The focus of this plant is its odd foliar form. Narrow, dark green leaves are packed into a tight rosette somewhat resembling an artichoke. Better behaved than A. angustifolia in terms of suckering and ultimate size. Hardy to around 20˚F.
Height: 4-5` Width: 3-4` Water Use: low Pruning: None Placement: Sun on coast to part shade inland. Bloom season: Grown for foliage.
Bush baby kangaroo paw Anigozanthos x `Bush Baby`
There is a kangaroo paw cultivar for every taste, from knee-high dwarf varieties to ten foot giants, with flowers ranging in color from yellow to pink to red to green. All are drought tolerant when established, have evergreen strap-like leaves and can take temperatures to near 20˚F.
Height: 3-4` Width: 3-4` Water Use: low Pruning: Prune dead flower stalks. Placement: Hot, dry sun. Bloom season: Monocarpic; blooms one summer.
Tara`s wonder cape mallow Anisodontea x hypomandarum `Tara's Wonder`
Cape mallow is truly a landscape gem. Despite the delicate appearance of its bell-like pink flowers (borne year-round) cape mallow can take hot sun and drought without complaint. It tolerates 22˚F with no damage but has been killed at 16˚F. Periodic pruning is required to keep foliage dense.
Height: 1` Width: 1` Water Use: very low Pruning: Prune dead flower stalks. Placement: Hot, dry sun. Bloom season: Grown for foliage.
Hooker`s manzanita Arctostaphylos hookeri
Hooker's manzanita is an evergreen mounding shrub to roughly three feet. White urn-shaped flowers in pendulous clusters in mid-winter and smooth red bark provide interest in the winter garden. Like all manzanitas, A. hookeri requires excellent drainage to thrive.
Height: 1.5` Width: 3` Water Use: low Pruning: Prune dead flower stalks. Placement: Sun to part shade. Bloom season: Spring to fall.
Kinnikinnick Arctostaphylos uva-ursi
This extremely cold-tolerant manzanita makes a good drought-resistant ground cover in coastal areas, but is not well-suited to the hot summers of California's inland regions. White urn-shaped flowers in winter.
Height: 6` Width: 6` Water Use: med Pruning: Lightly shear to keep full. Placement: Full sun. Bloom season: Year-round.
Powis castle artemisia Artemisia x `Powis Castle`
With its lacy silver foliage and predictable round growth habit, artemisia has become a popular no-irrigation landscape plant. Use it with broad-leafed green natives like coffee-berry and manzanita for a striking xeric plant palette.
Height: 1.5-4` Width: 6` Water Use: very low Pruning: None Placement: Full sun. Bloom season: Winter.
Feather reed grass Calamagrostis x acutiflora `Karl Foerster`
This upright blonde-flowered grass lends an light, airy texture to the landscape and grows to five feet high by three feet wide. It is undemanding, but prefers regular water.
Height: 3` Width: 6` Water Use: low Pruning: Cut back when leggy to rejuvenate. Placement: Full sun. Bloom season: Grown for foliage.
New Zealand hair sedge Carex comans
A versatile and well-behaved small sedge, Carex comans forms airy bronze clumps that look good year-round with little care. It requires only occasional water once established and is hardy to 0˚F.
Height: 4` Width: 4` Water Use: low Pruning: Cut back when leggy to rejuvenate. Placement: Full sun. Bloom season: Spring to fall.
Berkeley sedge Carex divulsa (tumulicola?)
Berkeley sedge is rapidly becoming a popular lawn substitute due to its drought tolerance and rich green foliage. It should only be mowed once every several months and cannot take regular foot traffic. Hardy to 10˚F.
Height: 2-4` Width: 1.5-2` Water Use: low Pruning: Cut back when leggy to rejuvenate. Placement: Sun, but not dry areas. Bloom season: Summer.
Bush anemone - 'Bronze form' Carpenteria californica
Bush anemone is an evergreen, cold hardy and drought tolerant California native. Dark green glossy foliage and large white flowers from summer to as late as mid-winter give plants a lush appearance despite low water needs.
Height: 1` Width: 2.5` Water Use: med Pruning: None Placement: Sun to part shade. Bloom season: Grown for foliage.
California lilac 'Yankee Point' Ceanothus griseus horizontalis `Yankee Point`
One of the most popular Ceanothus 'Yankee Point' forms a dark green shrub between three and six feet high. It requires no summer water and puts on a spectacular display of lilac flowers in spring. Takes full sun to part shade.
Height: 1-2` Width: 1-2` Water Use: med Pruning: None Placement: Sun to part shade. Bloom season: Grown for foliage.
California lilac 'Concha' Ceanothus x `Concha`
Ceanothus 'Concha' forms a green shrub between three and six feet high. It requires no summer water and has a heavy bloom of lilac flowers in spring. Leaves are narrower than C. 'Yankee Point'; takes full sun to part shade.
Height: 3-5' Width: 3' Water Use: very low Pruning: None Placement: Full sun. Bloom season: Summer to mid-winter.
California lilac 'Dark Star' Ceanothus x `Dark Star`
Ceanothus 'Dark Star' forms a dark green shrub between three and six feet high. It requires no summer water and puts on a spectacular display of deep purple flowers in spring. Leaves are crinkly; takes full sun to part shade.
Height: 2-3` Width: 8-10` Water Use: very low Pruning: Prune dead or unruly branches, lightly shear to keep full. Placement: Full sun. Bloom season: Spring.
Cape rush Chondropetalum tectorum
Cape rush is one of the toughest landscape plants for gardens that stay above 20˚F. It can grow in any soil, in sun or part shade, in a pond or in a xeric landscape. It eventually forms a tight 2-3' clump and grows to five feet in height.
Height: 6-7` Width: 6-8` Water Use: very low Pruning: Prune dead or unruly branches, lightly shear to keep full. Placement: Full sun. Bloom season: Spring.
Australian fuchsia Correa pulchella
Correa pulchella has a valuable set of merits: rich evergreen foliage, minimal water requirements, shade tolerance, and small hanging pink flowers in the dead of winter. It is great as a backdrop for showier summer bloomers. Eventually mounds to three feet high by twelve feet wide. Hardy to the low 20's F.
Height: 2-3` Width: 3-4` Water Use: low Pruning: Cut back when leggy to rejuvenate. Placement: Full sun to full shade; adaptable. Bloom season: Grown for foliage.
Variegated jade plant Crassula ovata `Hummel'S Sunset`
This South African native is a unique addition to any mild-winter garden. Stout woody stems terminate in clumps of succulent foliage which reddens at the edges, especially under water stress (hence 'Hummel's Sunset'). White or pink star-like flowers in winter add further interest.
Height: 3` Width: 5` Water Use: low Pruning: Cut back when leggy to rejuvenate. Placement: Full sun. Bloom season: Spring to fall.
Fortnight lily Dietes bicolor
Fortnight lily is a common and tough plant, bearing cream iris-like flowers with brown accents in flushes 'on the fortnight' (roughly every two weeks) any time of the year. It is not picky about soil and can tolerate some drought once established. It self-sows freely, so remove fruits if you don't want seedlings. Hardy to mid teens F.
Height: 1-3` Width: 1-2` Water Use: low Pruning: None Placement: Sun on coast to part shade inland. Bloom season: Winter.
Pride of Madeira Echium candicans
Pride of Madeira is indeed a plant to be proud of. Loose rosettes of furry grey leaves erupt with towering spikes of blue flowers in spring and early summer. Plants tolerate significant drought and require no pruning except removal of dead flower heads. Flowers attract bees and butterflies. Hardy to mid 20's F.
Height: 2-3` Width: 2-3` Water Use: low Pruning: Prune dead flower stalks. Placement: Full sun to part shade. Bloom season: Year-round.
Santa Barbara daisy Erigeron karvinskianus `Profusion`
Santa Barbara daisy is a plant of many virtues. It blooms almost constantly, thrives in hot sun and dry soil, and requires little care except a hard cutting back each year. This South American native makes a lovely low border of light-textured foliage and small white flowers.
Height: 3` Width: 4` Water Use: low Pruning: Prune dead flower stalks. Placement: Full sun to part shade. Bloom season: Mainly summer, occasional flowers year-round.
Santa Cruz island buckwheat Eriogonum arborescens
Like most California buckwheats, E. arborescens likes heat, sun and dry soil. However, larger leaves give Santa Cruz Island buckwheat more substance than other varieties and its interesting trunking habit merits it a central position in the garden.
Height: 5-6` Width: 6-10` Water Use: low Pruning: Prune dead flower stalks. Placement: Full sun. Bloom season: Spring and early summer.
Wulfeni Euphorbia characias wulfenii `Mediterranean Spurge`
This Mediterranean euphorbia contributes an exotic note to the landscape with its spirally arranged leaves and large heads of bell-shaped yellow to green flowers. All parts of the plant are poisonous, and it is said to repel gophers. Hardy to 10˚F.
Height: 1` Width: 3` Water Use: low Pruning: Hedge back to keep under control and full. Placement: Sun to part shade. Bloom season: Year-round.
California fescue Festuca californica
Although it often has less living foliage than dead and can tend to look a bit messy, California fescue must be lauded for its ability to survive extreme drought, total shade, and the worst of soils. Airy seed heads in summer dry to a golden brown and sway in the lightest breeze.
Height: 3-4` Width: 4-5` Water Use: low Pruning: None Placement: Full sun. Bloom season: Summer to fall.
Blue fescue Festuca glauca
This small cluming grass makes a good accent plant with its distinctly blue-grey foliage. While not as drought tolerant as California fescue, blue fescue will survive with only occasional summer watering. Tolerates any soil, extreme cold.
Height: 3` Width: 3` Water Use: low Pruning: Prune dead flower stalks. Placement: Full sun. Bloom season: Spring to fall.
Daylily 'Stella de Oro' Hemerocallis x `Stella De Oro`
There are innumerable varieties of daylily. All have bright green strap-like leaves and bear large colorful flowers nearly year-round in mild regions. Stella de Oro is a cheery yellow-flowered variety with a dwarf habit. Great en masse.
Height: 2-3` Width: 2-3` Water Use: low Pruning: Cut back when leggy to rejuvenate. Placement: Full sun. Bloom season: Spring; grown for foliage.
Daylily 'Yellow' Hemerocallis x `Yellow`
There are innumerable varieties of daylily. All have bright green strap-like leaves and bear large colorful flowers nearly year-round in mild regions. 'Yellow' is a full size variety; flowers are held above foliage on stalks to 4'.
Height: 2` Width: 1-2` Water Use: med Pruning: Prune dead flower stalks. Placement: Full sun. Bloom season: Nearly year-round.
Red yucca or Redflower false yucca Hesperaloe parviflora
Red yucca is tough as nails. It tolerates extreme heat and cold, highly alkaline soil and drought while rewarding the gardener with 4-6' stalks of red flowers from spring to early winter.
Height: 2.5`-4` Width: 2-3` Water Use: med Pruning: Prune dead flower stalks. Placement: Full sun. Bloom season: Nearly year-round.
Pacific coast hybrid iris Iris douglasiana `Pacific Coast Hybrids`
Pacific coast iris forms a two foot wide clump of evergreen straplike leaves. From March to midsummer (depending on garden location) the plant is adorned with dainty 3" flowers on stalks to 18". Flower color varies by cultivar from purple to pink to white. Drought hardy.
Height: 6-10` Width: 6-10` Water Use: low Pruning: Prune dead or unruly branches, lightly shear to keep full. Placement: Sun to shade. Bloom season: Summer.
California gray rush Juncus patens
This California native lends a riparian feeling to the garden without requiring excessive water. Somewhat spiky leaves make a stiff, upright plant to about one foot.
Height: 2.5` Width: 2.5` Water Use: high Pruning: Cut back when leggy to rejuvenate. Placement: Sun to part shade. Bloom season: Grown for foliage.
Torchlily, Red hot fire poker Kniphofia uvaria
Torch lily is a versatile and tough plant with a bewildering range of cultivars available. Flower color ranges from red to orange to yellow, and bloom time can be any season: 'Christmas Cheer' usually flowers in late December, while 'Flamenco' flowers in midsummer. Once established, it can survive on only occasional watering.
Height: 2` Width: 2` Water Use: low Pruning: Cut back when leggy to rejuvenate. Placement: Sun to part shade. Bloom season: Grown for foliage.
Spanish lavender Lavandula stoechas
Spanish lavender has a similar flower to French lavender except that its terminal bracts are even showier. Leaves are like English lavender. Hardy to low teens F.
Height: 3-4` Width: 4-6` Water Use: med Pruning: Prune dead flower stalks. Placement: Full sun. Bloom season: Summer.
Conebush 'Pisa' Leucadendron x `Pisa`
This South African native is known for its ability to withstand seashore conditions - constant wind, poor soil and salt spray. Surprisingly, it can also grow well in California's Central Valley. 'Pisa' is characterized by twisted leaves and lime-sulfur 'flowers' (really colored bracts surrounding an insignificant female cone). Hardy to 20˚F.
Height: 2` Width: 3` Water Use: low Pruning: Prune dead flower stalks. Placement: Full sun. Bloom season: Summer.
Nodding pincushion Leucospermum cordifolium `Flame Spike`
Leucospermum is a South African native in the same family as the leucodendrons ('leuco' is from the Greek for 'white', referring to the plant's grey leaves). Red pincushion-like flowers up to six inches across appear in spring and make excellent cut flowers. Plants can reach 6', but are easily kept shorter with pruning. Frost tender.
Height: 8-10` Width: 6-8` Water Use: low Pruning: None Placement: Sun. Bloom season: Winter to spring.
Statice or Sea lavender Limonium perezii
Sea lavender gets its name from its toughness in coastal gardens. It takes wind, salt, and cool summers but it cannot take frost. Small white petals are insignificant; however, larger purple sepals remain on the plant for months providing year-round color.
Height: 4-5` Width: 4-6` Water Use: med Pruning: None Placement: Sun. Bloom season: Winter to spring.
Plum Delight fringe-flower Loropetalum chinense `Hines Purpleleaf Plum Delight'
Loropetalum adds a splash of color to the landscape in or out of flower. Evergreen (or ever-burgundy) foliage is accented in late winter by a heavy bloom of spidery pink flowers. Blooms sporadically all year. Hardy to below 10˚F; deciduous in coldest winters.
Height: 3` Width: 3` Water Use: low Pruning: Prune dead flower stalks. Placement: Sun on coast to part shade inland. Bloom season: Year-round.
Creeping mahonia Mahonia repens
Creeping mahonia is a tough evergreen groundcover, growing to 1' high. It is drought and cold tolerant and requires little care. Cheery yellow flowers are borne in late winter in California, spring in colder areas. Spiny leaves can be a hazard.
Height: 6-10` Width: 6-10` Water Use: low Pruning: Lightly shear to keep full. Placement: Sun to part shade. Bloom season: Late winter.
Adagio eulalia grass Miscanthus sinensis `Adagio`
Adagio eulalia grass forms a four-by-four foot cluster topped with curly white flower stalks to six feet in late summer. Flowers dry and are held on the plant into winter, but if you don't want volunteers, it is better to prune them.
Height: 1` Width: 3` Water Use: low Pruning: None Placement: Part shade to full shade. Bloom season: Late winter.
Pink muhly Muhlenbergia capillaris
Pink muhly grass is a traffic stopper. From late summer to winter, the plant is covered in a soft pink cloud of flower heads. All the care this wonder needs is a winter trim to look neat all year. Prefers regular water.
Height: 4` Width: 4` Water Use: high Pruning: Cut back when leggy to rejuvenate. Placement: Full sun. Bloom season: Late summer.
Deer grass Muhlenbergia rigens
A popular California native, deer grass's soft, pleasing form goes well in just about any landscape. It requires water only once or twice a summer when established.
Height: 3` Width: 6` Water Use: low Pruning: Cut back when leggy to rejuvenate. Placement: Full sun. Bloom season: Late summer.
Nodding needlegrass Nassella cernua
Nodding needlegrass evokes a quiet California meadow with its slender stems that wave in the gentlest breeze. It is drought tolerant, likes full sun, and is cold hardy to 10˚F.
Height: 4` Width: 4` Water Use: low Pruning: Cut back when leggy to rejuvenate. Placement: Full sun. Bloom season: Summer.
Purple needlegrass Nassella pulchra
Purple needlegrass adds color to the dry meadow garden with its purple flowers and seeds. It is also California's state grass.
Height: 3` Width: 2` Water Use: very low Pruning: Cut back when leggy to rejuvenate. Placement: Full sun. Bloom season: Spring.
Foothill penstemon Penstemon heterophyllus
Foothill penstemon is another miracle plant. The most popular cultivar, 'Margarita BOP' originates from San Luis Obispo county, CA, where it survives on hot rocky hillsides with zero summer water. In late spring, the unassuming plant bursts with masses of clear blue flowers . If deadheaded, plants can bloom almost all year.
Height: 1-3` Width: 1-3` Water Use: low Pruning: Prune dead flower stalks. Placement: Full sun. Bloom season: Late spring to summer.
New Zealand flax 'Dusky Chief' Phormium tenax `Dusky Chief`
All New Zealand flax form a bold upright mass of lance-like leaves and are hardy to around 15˚F. They will grow in sun or part shade and require only occasional water. Cultivars vary in size and leaf color. 'Dusky Chief' is a larger variety with solid maroon-red foliage.
Height: 3-4` Width: 3-4` Water Use: low Pruning: Cut to 6" in winter. Placement: Full sun. Bloom season: Spring to fall.
New Zealand flax 'Fire Bird' Phormium tenax `Firebird`
All New Zealand flax form a bold upright mass of lance-like leaves and are hardy to around 15˚F. They will grow in sun or part shade and require only occasional water. Cultivars vary in size and leaf color. 'Firebird' is a medium-sized very colorful New Zealand flax; leaves are rose red with green to bronze margins.
Height: 4-8` Width: 3-5` Water Use: low Pruning: Remove dead lower leaves, prune dead flower stalks. Placement: Sun to part shade. Bloom season: Summer.
New Zealand flax 'Guardsman' Phormium tenax `Guardsman`
All New Zealand flax form a bold upright mass of lance-like leaves and are hardy to around 15˚F. They will grow in sun or part shade and require only occasional water. Cultivars vary in size and leaf color. 'Guardsman' is another large New Zealand flax, to seven feet tall and wide. Leaves are dark maroon with scarlet edges.
Height: 6` Width: 3-4` Water Use: low Pruning: Remove dead lower leaves, prune dead flower stalks. Placement: Sun to part shade. Bloom season: Summer.
New Zealand flax 'Rainbow Maiden' or 'Maori Maiden' Phormium tenax `Rainbow Maiden`
All New Zealand flax form a bold upright mass of lance-like leaves and are hardy to around 15˚F. They will grow in sun or part shade and require only occasional water. Cultivars vary in size and leaf color. 'Rainbow Maiden', also known as 'Maori Maiden', is a dwarf variety to three feet tall and wide. Leaves are usually pink to red with dark green margins but the occasional solid green leaf may appear.
Height: 6` Width: 7` Water Use: low Pruning: Remove dead lower leaves, prune dead flower stalks. Placement: Sun to part shade. Bloom season: Summer.
Western sword fern Polystichum munitum
Western sword fern is native to coastal California, but when planted inland it requires regular water to look good. Still, it takes less water than most other ferns and adds a lush, woodsy look to heavily shaded areas.
Height: 4` Width: 3-5` Water Use: low Pruning: Remove dead lower leaves, prune dead flower stalks. Placement: Sun to part shade. Bloom season: Summer.
Claremont flowering currant Ribes sanguineum `Claremont`
Claremont flowering currant is one for the winter garden: in December to February, it produces hanging clusters of dainty pink flowers even in sub-freezing temperatures. Plants may go summer deciduous without regular water. Hardy to below 0˚F.
Height: 2-4` Width: 2-4` Water Use: med Pruning: Prune dead lower leaves. Placement: Part to full shade. Bloom season: Grown for foliage.
Fuchsia flowering gooseberry Ribes speciosum
This low, open shrub is native to the north sides of dry hillsides along California's Coast Ranges. It is bedecked with carmine red flowers resembling fucshias in January-February. Hardy to around 10˚F.
Height: 3` Width: 4-5` Water Use: low Pruning: Prune dead or unruly branches. Placement: Sun to part shade. Bloom season: Grown for foliage.
Matilija poppy Romneya coulteri
While it is somewhat coarse and aggressive, matilija poppy can bring beauty to the harshest areas of the landscape. It thrives in hot sun and requires little water or care except an annual shearing to the ground. Huge 5" white flowers are borne on rangy stalks of grey-green leaves to seven feet.
Height: 5-12` Width: 5-12` Water Use: low Pruning: Prune when leggy to promote dense growth. Placement: Part to full shade. Bloom season: Winter.
California wild rose Rosa californica
California wild rose is a good low-care woodland or barrier plant. It can take a little or a lot of water, fills in quickly, and bears simple but fragrant pink flowers from late spring to midsummer.
Height: 4-6` Width: 8-12` Water Use: low Pruning: Prune when leggy to promote dense growth. Placement: Part to full shade. Bloom season: Winter.
Cleveland sage Salvia clevelandii
Cleveland sage is a standout for the xeriscape. Very tough and drought tolerant, it bears tall stems of purple flowers in spring and sometimes again in fall. Prune it back to prevent legginess; do not overwater.
Height: 6` Width: 6` Water Use: low Pruning: Cut back in winter. Placement: Sun to part shade. Bloom season: Spring to midsummer.
Autumn sage 'Furman's red' Salvia greggii `Furmans Red`
This popular sun-loving Salvia forms a rounded evergreen shrub to 4'X4'. From summer to mid fall it is covered in bright red flowers that attract hummingbirds. Foliage is aromatic. White, pink, magenta, and red-and-pink flowered cultivars exist.
Height: 2` Width: 3-4` Water Use: low Pruning: Cut back when leggy to rejuvenate. Placement: Full sun. Bloom season: Spring to late fall.
Mexican bush sage Salvia leucantha
Attractive, lush grey foliage fills in very quickly and is topped with spires of purple and white flowers from midsummer until the first hard frost - in many areas, this means it blooms all winter. Likes heat, needs semi-regular water.
Height: 4` Width: 4` Water Use: low Pruning: Cut back when leggy to rejuvenate. Placement: Full sun. Bloom season: Spring, sometimes again in fall.
????? Creeping sage Salvia sonomensis `Mrs. Beard` 'Bees Blss' SUBSTITUTE
A spreading low sage, 'Mrs Beard' bears numerous spires of purple flowers that attract bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. Prefers full sun, good circulation, dry soil. Hardy to around 15˚F.
Height: 2` Width: 3-4` Water Use: low Pruning: Cut back to 8-12" in winter for rich spring growth. Placement: Full sun. Bloom season: Nearly year-round.
Green lavender cotton Santolina virens
Fine-textured green foliage seems to mound and spill in waves. Green lavender cotton tolerates heat and drought well and bears cottony yellow flowers in mid spring - a boon for the xeriscaper who wants a lush garden.
Height: 2` Width: 3-4` Water Use: low Pruning: Cut back when leggy to rejuvenate. Placement: Full sun. Bloom season: Spring.
Fragrant sarcococca Sarcococca ruscifolia
Sarcococca is a great plant for winter interest. It has evergreen foliage and bears tiny but intensely sweet-scented white flowers all winter long. Prefers shade and regular water; excellent in the Pacific Northwest. Hardy to 10˚F.
Height: 2` Width: 3` Water Use: low Pruning: None Placement: Full sun. Bloom season: Mid spring.
Cape honeysuckle 'Tecoma Gold Star' SUBSTITUTE Tecomaria capensis `Aurea` 'Gold Star'
This yellow-flowered cultivar of the more common red Cape honesuckle makes a tough and attractive boundary or background plant. It can get quite large, but can be pruned to almost any shape or size. Cape honesuckle is frost sensitive, but will return from the roots if temperatures stay above 22˚F.
Height: 2` Width: 3` Water Use: low Pruning: None Placement: Full sun. Bloom season: Mid spring.
Hedge germander Teucrium x lucidrys
Hedge germander, as the name implies, makes a great border for walkways or garden beds. It never gets above a foot in height and has neat evergreen foliage that needs only a yearly trim. Bears pink to purple flowers all summer.
Height: 4-6` Width: 3-7` Water Use: low Pruning: Lightly shear to keep full. Placement: Part to full shade. Bloom season: Winter.
Adam`s needle 'Filamentosa Colorguard Yucca filamentosa `Color Guard`
Adam's needle is an exotic-looking plant for the hottest, driest and coldest gardens. Pale yellow or red strap leaves edged with dark green make a bold statement and tolerate temperatures to at least -10˚F. Cream flowers appear in summer.
Height: 6' Width: 8-12' Water Use: low Pruning: Prune dead or unruly branches. Placement: Full sun. Bloom season: Fall, winter.
Yellow torch aloe Aloe arborescens `Lutea`
This aloe is a yellow variety of the red torch aloe, which is frequently planted along the California coast. Torch aloe is tough in ocean wind, drought and salt air, but can also take inland heat (though not in full sun). Protect from heavy frost. Spires of red flowers in fall, winter.
Height: 2.5` Width: 5` Water Use: low Pruning: Prune dead flower stalks. Placement: Full sun. Bloom season: Summer.
California field sedge, Dune sedge Carex praegracilis
California field sedge is most commonly used as a lawn substitute. It tolerates moderate foot traffic and, while not quite drought hardy, requires much less water than a regular fescue lawn. Plants can be mowed or not; hardy to around 10˚F.
Height: 1` Width: 2` Water Use: low Pruning: None Placement: Full sun. Bloom season: Summer.
Hen and chicks Echeveria x `Imbricata`
This Mexican succulent forms a tight cluster of grey-green rosettes topped by red and yellow flowers primarily in spring. It is highly drought tolerant and hardy to the low 20's F. Rosettes are tighter and more numerous than those of E. secunda.
Height: 1` Width: 6" Water Use: low Pruning: None Placement: Sun on coast to part shade inland. Bloom season: Spring.
Sulfurflower buckwheat Eriogonum umbellatum
Silvery green leaves shaped like spoons give rise to tight clusters of yellow flowers in spring and summer.
Height: 1` Width: 1` Water Use: low Pruning: None Placement: Sun on coast to part shade inland. Bloom season: Spring.
Beach strawberry Fragaria chiloensis
Beach strawberry produces edible albeit small fruits in summer. The rest of the year, it acts as a free-form woodsy groundcover for full sun or part shade and requires only occasional water.
Height: 1` Width: 1.5` Water Use: low Pruning: None Placement: Sun on coast to part shade inland. Bloom season: Nearly year-round; mostly in spring and fall.
Colorado Gold gazania Gazania linearis `Colorado Gold`
Colorado gazania is much more cold tolerant (to -20˚) than G. rigens, which is commonly seen in coastal California gardens. It bears golden daisylike flowers spring to fall.
Height: 2` Width: 2` Water Use: low Pruning: None Placement: Full sun. Bloom season: Spring to summer.
Wisley pink sunrose Helianthemum nummularium `Wisley Pink`
A good choice for hot dry areas with poor soil, Wisley pink sunrose is a loose low shrub to 1' high by 3' wide. Pink roselike flowers appear primarily in midsummer and sporadically as long as the weather is warm. Native to the Mediterranean basin.
Height: 4-8" Width: 1-1.5` Water Use: med Pruning: None Placement: Sun to part shade. Bloom season: Spring.
Yellow sunrose Helianthemum nummularium `Yellow`
A good choice for hot dry areas with poor soil, yellow sunrose is a loose low shrub to 1' high by 3' wide. Yellow flowers appear primarily in midsummer and sporadically as long as the weather is warm. Native to the Mediterranean basin.
Height: 6-12" Width: 6-12" Water Use: med Pruning: None Placement: Full sun. Bloom season: Spring to fall.
Island alum root Heuchera maxima
Island alum root is a small evergreen plant originating from California's Channel Islands. It has a casual woodland look and likes shade, but does not require much water. Bears white flowers held above foliage on 1' stems in spring.
Height: 6-8" Width: 3` Water Use: low Pruning: Lightly shear to keep full. Placement: Full sun. Bloom season: Summer.
Alum root Heuchera micrantha
Alum root is a small evergreen plant originating from California's Channel Islands. It has a casual woodland look and likes shade, but does not require much water. Bears white flowers held above foliage on 1' stems in spring.
Height: 6-8" Width: 3` Water Use: low Pruning: Lightly shear to keep full. Placement: Full sun. Bloom season: Summer.
Catmint Nepeta x faassenii
Catmint makes the perfect border. It forms a mound about 8" high by 18" wide with masses of purple flowers from spring to fall. Water regularly; cut back in winter.
Height: 1-2` Width: 3-4` Water Use: med Pruning: Prune dead flower stalks. Placement: Part to full shade. Bloom season: Spring.
Hummingbird sage Salvia spathacea
This California native stands out for a few months each year with spires of fucshia pink flowers. The rest of the year, its low green-grey foliage fades into the background. Leaves smell like pineapple when crushed. Very drought tolerant; hardy to 0˚F.
Height: 1` Width: 1.5-2` Water Use: med Pruning: Shear to 6" in late fall. Placement: Full sun. Bloom season: Spring to fall.
Pork and beans Sedum rubrotinctum
This bizarre little succulent has leaves shaped like tiny green bananas, each with a red tip. Great in the rock garden or in patio containers; hardy to 20˚F.
Height: 1-2` Width: 3-4` Water Use: low Pruning: Prune dead flower stalks. Placement: Sun to part shade. Bloom season: Fall, winter, spring.
Cape Blanco sedum Sedum spathulifolium `Cape Blanco`
On its native Oregon coast, Cape Blanco sedum makes a low grey groundcover with yellow flowers in summer. It should be planted away from foot traffic in the garden as it is brittle. Hardy to -40˚F.
Height: 8" Width: 1.5' Water Use: low Pruning: None Placement: Sun on coast to part shade inland. Bloom season: Summer.
Senecio Senecio mandraliscae `Blue Chalk Sticks`
Senecio is a great plant for seaside gardens with its succulent blue-grey foliage and golden daisy flowers. It requires steep drainage, doesn’t mind salt wind and can survive long periods without water. Frost sensitive. Also called Kleinia mandralisace.
Height: 6-8" Width: 10" Water Use: low Pruning: None Placement: Sun on coast to part shade inland. Bloom season: Grown for foliage.
Hybrid kleinia Senecio talinoides `Jolly Gray`
Hybrid kleinia's parents are native to South Africa, where they grow on sand dunes. The hybrid is well-suited as a groundcover in dry parts of the garden, though it may require an occasional trim to keep the foliage dense. Hardy to the mid-20's F.
Height: less than 6" Width: 1-1.5` Water Use: low Pruning: None Placement: Sun on coast to part shade inland. Bloom season: Summer.
Desert senna Senna covesii
This Arizona native can really take heat and drought. From mid spring to summer, the 2'X2' shrub bears large (though few) yellow flowers. Hardy to 20˚F.
Height: 1-1.5` Width: 2` Water Use: low Pruning: None Placement: Full sun. Bloom season: Grown for foliage.
Blue eyed grass Sisyrinchium bellum
A native of open hillsides up and down California, blue-eyed grass makes a perfect addition to the meadow or cottage garden. Low clusters of grass-like foliage give rise to small blue flowers in winter and spring. Plants are summer-deciduous in drought; hardy to the teens F.
Height: 1` Width: 3` Water Use: low Pruning: None Placement: Full sun. Bloom season: Grown for foliage.
Lamb`s ear Stachys byzantina
Lamb's ear is one of those perennially popular, bulletproof plants from grandma's garden. Furry evergreen leaves delight kids; some varieties bear spikes of purple flowers in summer that attract bees and butterflies. Best in full sun.
Height: 1.5` Width: 1.5` Water Use: low Pruning: Remove dead flowers, prune to maintain denser growth. Placement: Full sun. Bloom season: Mid spring to summer.
Creeping thyme Thymus serpyllum
Creeping thyme is versatile and virtuous. It can be used in the rock garden, as a small-scale lawn substitute, or a groundcover to keep down weeds. It is fragrant, thrives in hot full sun and creates a carpet of purple flowers in summer. Drought tolerant; hardy to below 0˚F.
Height: 6-12" Width: 3` Water Use: low Pruning: Prune dead flower stalks, cut back hard when leggy to rejuvenate. Placement: Full sun. Bloom season: Summer.