The Impact of Pesticides on your Pet

Dogs love to roll around on grass. However if that lawn has been sprayed with a toxic pesticide, your 4-legged best friend carries that around on his fur until his next bath. This can lead to bladder cancer risks and canine malignant lymphoma.

Protect your Pet from Toxins

Don't apply pesticides and herbicides to your lawn, and don't allow your dog access to your neighbor's lawn unless you can confirm no pesticides have been used. Bathe your dog if you suspect he has been rolling around on lawns that have been chemically treated.

Do your Research

Don't rely on the Brand Name or pictures on a label to solve your pesticide problem. Look at the Active Ingredient on the Label. It will be a small part of the ingredients but will be the most toxic chemical in the product.

Then you can research online to see how safe that active ingredient is for people, wildlife, honey bees and the environment. For instance, some pesticides are toxic to bees and other pollinators. Some pesticides run off into streams and harm fish and other aquatic life. Some snail control products are very toxic to dogs and some are much safer.

To help choose and evaluate active ingredients visit

  1. Select the Home and Landscape box
  2. Look for your pest in the section on Pests in Gardens and Landscapes
  3. Scroll down to the Pesticide Information section to nd the active ingredient database

For each active ingredient you will find its impact on water quality, beneficial insects, honeybees, people, animals and the environment.

This will help you assure you've chosen a safe product that will help you manage your pests while protecting your pets.

How do I find safe remedies to apply to my plants to protect my animals?

We’ve searched far and wide for simple, natural and harmless alternatives to garden pesticides. Here are some of our favorites. Check out the following Tips and Tricks to protect your plants from pests and protect your animals from pesticides!

Natural Homemade Pesticides: Recipes & Tips

Natural and Harmless Alternatives to Garden Pesticides

Natural Pesticides for Gardens

10 Fertilizer and Pesticide Alternatives

Non-toxic and Homemade Remedies

10 Homemade Organic Pesticides

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Watch this video on homemade pesticides

Living Green Gardens is located in the City of Pittbsurg, California
Copyright 2015 City of Pittsburg
Site designed by Precision Design
Contact Information:
65 Civic Avenue, Pittsburg, CA 94565